Roswell Outback Automotive Racing

formally: Robinson Racing Enterprises



Jeff Dernehl President and CEO of Roswell Outback Automotive and CEO of Roswell Outback Automotive Racing.

           Jeff has been operating Roswell Outback Automotive for over 27 years. Jeff and Barry has be racing his cars together for over 20 years.


Barry Trivette has over 45 years of Racing Experience.  The son of former NASCAR Grand National Driver, E. J. Trivette, Barry worked with his father at Baird & Trivette Racing until 1988 when E.J. relocated to Florida.

        Robinson Racing (1988-2023)

            At that time Barry became associated with Robinson Racing and has been instrumental in the continued growth of the company.  Barry handled all Chassis design work for RRE as well as scheduling work for RRE. He also supplied trackside setup and chassis support  for many of our customers.


        Roswell Outback Automotive Racing (Present)

            April of 2023 Harry Robinson retired and closed RRE. As of April 2023 Barry Trivette and Jeff Dernehl have joined together to form Roswell Outback Automotive Racing.